I have taken great pleasure in exhibiting instruments at various competitons over the years not only as a way of presenting my work to dealers and players but as a way of continuing a conversation with my colleagues about the state of the art.  I list the awards below not because I'm proud of them, though of course I am, but to acknowledge the fantastic spirit these contests foster - of advancing an art and craft, of improving a sound - and to express my gratitude for all the wonderful discussions that occur when a few hundred instruments and their makers are in the same room.

I have also found it important for instruments of mine to find themselves in collections, be they privately held or those of conservatories. That they are presented and used alongside the precious or rare historical works more often contained there places them in a context where the work of the living musician and that of the living maker might act a bridge between the past and present; work that with the help of the collector or curator elevates and preserves the vitality of the contemporary stage and the active workbench at one and the same time.  Curators are welcome to contact my studio to discuss aquiring works which might develop or compliment this aspect of their collection.    

Violin Society of America 21st International Competition
- Gold Medal Viola 
- Certificate of Merit for Quartet Workmanship 

Violin Society of America 20th International Competition
- Silver Medal Quartet Tone
- Certificate of Merit for Violin Tone
- Certificate of Merit for Viola Tone 

The Juilliard School
- violin
- viola
- tenor

Yale University Collection of Stringed Instruments
- Quartet: violin 1, violin 2, viola, violoncello

Colburn School of Music
- viola

Harvard University Collection of Stringed Instruments
- violin 1
- violin 2